82371AB (PIIX4)
4/9/97 2:23 PM PIIX4aDS
(until publication date)
Device 11: User Interface (Keyboard, Mouse, Video)
Device 11 monitors the system’s primary user interfaces, the keyboard, a PS/2 mouse, or the video
subsystem. It contains special logic to monitor the PCI bus utilization in order to detect video activity.
This will allow a system to playback video without power managing the video subsystem due to user
inactivity (no keyboard or mouse movement).
Device 11 System Events:
— PCI accesses to programmable linear frame buffer addresses, selectable below.
linear frame buffer address consists of a 12-bit base address and 2-bit mask, allowing a
frame buffer address range from 1 Mbyte to 4 Mbytes.
This can cause burst timer
reloads only.
— PCI accesses to VGA I/O addresses (3B0
3DFh) or the A and B segment video
memory ranges
This can cause burst timer reloads only.
— PCI accesses to Keyboard Controller
I/O addresses (60h, 64h). This can cause idle,
or global standby timer reloads, IO trap SMI#, or forwarding KBC cycles to ISA.
— PCI bus utilization is monitored and a system event is generated if the number of PCI
data phases (as measured by FRAME# assertion) exceeds a set limit. This can cause
idle or global standby timer reloads.
— Assertion of GPI19.
The polarity of active signal (high or low) is selectable.
This can
cause idle, burst,
or global standby timer reloads or IO trap SMI#.
— Assertion of IRQ1 or IRQ12/M. These can cause idle, burst,
or global standby timer
reloads or IO trap SMI#.
Device 11 Linear Frame Buffer Ranges:
Programmable Base Address:
Programmable Mask:
Device 11 VGA Decode:
Device 11 A,B Segment Decode:
Device 11 Idle Timer:
Resolution: 1 second or 1 minute
Count: 5
GPI Enable:
GPI Polarity Select:
IRQ1 Enable:
IRQ12/M Enable:
KBC Decode Enable:
Device 11 ISA Forwarding Enable:
PCI Bus Utilization Enable:
Percent Active:
Device 11 Idle Timer Reload:
Global Standby Timer Reload:
Burst Timer Reload (Fast Burst Only):
Idle Timer Expiration SMI#:
Trap SMI#: