TSE Transmission Switch Element Datasheet
Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its Customers’ Internal Use
Document ID: PMC-1991258, Issue 7
Normal operation occurs when the character alignment sub-block is in the SYNC state. 8B/10B
characters are written to the FIFO using the character alignment of the K28.5 character that
caused entry to the SYNC state. Mimic K28.5 characters at other alignments are ignored. The
receive data is constantly monitored for line code violations. If 5 or more LCVs are detected in a
window of 15 characters, the character alignment sub-block transitions to the HUNT state. It will
search all possible alignments in the receive data for the K28.5 character. In the mean time, the
original character alignment is maintained until a K28.5 character is found. At that point, the
character alignment is moved to this new location and the sub-block transitions to the SYNC
Frame Alignment
The frame alignment sub-block monitors the data from the character aligner sub-block for the J0
byte. An out of position J0 counter counts K28.5 characters that are out of position. The state of
this counter conditions transitions in and out of the aligned state.
The block will frame align on the datastream if all the following conditions are satisfied:
1. There are two K28.5 characters in the datastream separate by 9720 SYSCLK cycles
(125.0 us)
2. The R8FA was character aligned throughout that 125.0 us period
3. The out of position J0 counter is not = 3. Note that when out of frame alignment, this
counter is cleared by 2 K28.5 characters separated by 125.0 us. So if this counter was
3, then the first 2 properly spaced K28.5 characters will clear the counter, and a third
properly spaced K28.5 will satisfy condition 1.
Frame alignment is lost when either:
1. The block is forced out of frame alignment via software via the R8FA Control and
Status FOFA register bit.
2. The R8FA loses character alignment (either due to software control or the 5 LCVs
within 15 characters).
3. An out of position J0 count of 3 is reached.