Lucent Technologies Inc.
Advance Data Sheet
November 1999
H.100/H.110 Interfaces and Time-Slot Interchangers
Ambassador T8100A, T8102, and T8105
1 Product Overview
1.4 AmbassadorTSI Architecture
The Ambassadorprogrammable TSIs have been
designed to meet today’s switching requirements. The
T8100A and T8105 TSIs have a hierarchical switching
capability. They can switch between the local input bus
and the local output bus. They also switch between the
H.100/H.110 bus and local bus. The T8102 TSI
switches between the H.100/H.110 bus and the local
All three TSIs have circuitry for subrate switching and
can interface to other computer telephony standards
such as MVIP SC-Bus, and MC-1*.
1.5 Selecting Between T8105, T8102,
T8100A, and T8100
1.6 Enhanced Local Stream Addressing
Local stream addressing has 1024 locations. Separate
connection and data memories (T8100A, T8105 only)
maintain all necessary information for local stream
interconnections. The streams may operate at maxi-
mum rate on eight physical inputs and eight physical
outputs. Choices for slower input or output rates
allow enabling of additional physical inputs or outputs
for a maximum of 16 pins each. Data rates are
2.048 Mbits/s, 4.096 Mbits/s, or 8.192 Mbits/s.
In addition to the enhanced serial streaming, the local
memories may be used for 8-line-serial-in/1-byte-paral-
lel-out, 1-byte-parallel-in/8-line-serial-out, or 1-byte-
parallel-in/1-byte-parallel-out options. All three data
rates are supported in the parallel modes. The
addresses for the local memories (T8100A, T8105
only) have been simplified so that stream and time-slot
designations are automatically translated to the appro-
priate memory address, regardless of rate or serial/par-
allel modes.
* MC-1 is a multichassis communication standard based on MVIP
The devices support this standard.
1.7 Full H.100 Stream Address Support
The devices provide access to the full 4096 H.100 bus
slots (32 streams x 128 slots) or any standard subset
(H-MVIPhas a maximum 24 streams x 128 time
slots, for example). The number of stored time-slot
addresses is limited to 512 (T8102, T8105 only) at any
one time, but these may be updated on the fly. In addi-
tion, accesses to and from the H.100 bus can be
directed through the 1024 local stream/time slots, giv-
ing a total space of 5120 time slots. Data rates are pro-
grammable on each of the 32 physical streams,
selected in groups of four. The rates are 2.048 Mbits/s,
4.096 Mbits/s, or 8.192 Mbits/s.
1.8 Onboard PLLs and Clock Monitors
The devices use rate multipliers and state machines to
generate onboard frequencies for supporting the
H.100, H-MVIP MVIP MC-1, and SC-Buses. Pins are
provided for coupling the internal clock circuitry with
commonly available clock adapters and jitter attenua-
tors. If external resources are not available, an internal
digital phase-locked loop (DPLL) can be used to gener-
ate all the bus frequencies and remain synchronized to
an 8 kHz reference. One of several clock input refer-
ence sources may be selected, and separate input-
active detection logic can identify the loss of the individ-
ual input references. The entire clocking structure oper-
ates from a 16.384 MHz crystal or external input.
1.9 Phase Alignment of Referenced and
Generated Frames
If this resource is selected, special control logic will cre-
ate bit-sliding in the data streams when the reference
frame and generated frame are out of phase. The bit-
sliding refers to removing a fraction of a bit time per
frame until the frames are in phase.