19-4750; Rev 1; 07/11
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The S132 includes several BID/OAM BID settings and tests for UDP applications that are not used by the non-UDP
applications. These are explained in the “UDP Settings” section. For non-UDP applications, the “UDP Settings”
section can be skipped/ignored. UDP Settings
For UDP packets the S132 can be programmed to perform the following BID comparison rules using PC.UBIDLS,
A) Always 16-bit and accepted in either the UDP Source or Destination position (automatic position detection)
B) Always 16-bit and only accepted in the UDP Port position according to B.BCDR4.RXUBIDLS (set per Bundle)
C) Always 16-bit in the UDP Destination Port position
D) Always 16-bit in the UDP Source Port position
E) Always 32-bit in the combined Source and Destination Port positions
The UDP OAM BID comparison rules follow the BID comparison rules except when the “per Bundle setting” using
B.BCDR4.RXUBIDLS (rule “B” above) is enabled. When this rule has been enabled, the S132 tests for 16-bit OAM
BIDs in either UDP Port position (rule “A” above; auto detected).
If a matching BID or OAM BID is not found in the location specified by these registers, the UDP packet is either
forwarded to the CPU or discarded (PC.CR1.DPS6).
The “16-bit Auto-detected” and “Per-Bundle 16-bit using RXUBIDLS” settings are designed to allow a mixture of
PWs with the BID in the UDP Source Port location and other PWs with the BID in the UDP Destination Port
location. The “16-bit Per-Bundle using RXUBIDLS” setting requires that the BID location is programmed for all
Bundles (RXUBIDLS). The “16-bit Auto-detected” does not use a location setting, but rather tests both locations
accepting a match in either location.
When the S132 is programmed to use 32-bit BIDs, the UDP 16-bit Source and 16-bit Destination Port values are
combined into a single 32-bit value in the same order in which they are received (the Source Port becomes the 16
MSbits for the 32-bit BID). The 32-bit setting is also applied to the OAM BIDs so that there is only one accepted bit-
width for all BIDs and OAM BIDs (either all are 16-bit or all are 32-bit).
The S132 can ignore any of the UDP PW-ID bit positions from bit-0 to bit-15 using PC.CR20.UBIDM. This can be
used to support a smaller UDP BID bit-width (e.g. bits 0 – 11), or to mask particular bit positions. As an example,
with UBIDM = 0xF0FF the Classifier will match any received PW-ID = 0xCZ00 (where Z = any hex value 0 to F)
with BID = 0xC000 (bits 8 – 11 are ignored). When using the 32-bit BIDs, bits 16 – 31 cannot be masked.
The S132 can verify each received UDP Protocol Type field against either of two programmed values
(PC.CR2.UPVC1 and PC.CR2.UPVC2) or can ignore the UDP Protocol Type (PC.CR1.UPVCE). When enabled,
the UDP Protocol Type is tested in the UDP Source or Destination Port location, whichever location is not used by
the BID/OAM BID (e.g. if the BID is tested in the Source location, the Protocol Type is tested in the Destination
location). For UDP packets that match a BID but do not include the correct UDP Protocol Type (when UDP Protocol
testing is enabled), PC.CR1.DPS5 determines whether the packet is discarded or sent to the CPU.
The UDP Protocol Type is ignored (not tested), regardless of the UPVCE and DPS5 settings, for 3 conditions: when
no matching BID/OAM BID is found, when a matching OAM BID is found and when using the 32-bit BID mode.
PC.SRL.UPVCSL and PC.SRL.UBIDLCSL can be used as debug tools to monitor the UDP BID location and
Protocol Type value are correct. These status indications are available with all of the UDP BID test modes.
However, the UBIDLCSL status only indicates whether the UDP BID was found in the location specified by the
RXUBIDLS for each Bundle (regardless of the BID Test Mode setting). This means that for BID Test modes A, C, D
and E the UBIDLCSL status may not agree with the results of the enabled BID Test mode (BID Test Modes A, C, D
and E do not use the RXUBIDLS settings to determine where to look for the BID). Handling of Packets with a Matching BID or OAM BID
When a packet matches an OAM BID (any PW Header type), then the packet is either forwarded to the CPU or
discarded (PC.CR1.DPS7). The Classifier does not regard the remaining header fields.
If a BID match is found, then the PW Header Type that is programmed for that Bundle is verified
(B.BCDR4.RXHTS). If the PW Header Type does not match, the packet is discarded.
When the PW-ID and PW Header Type match that of a programmed Bundle the Classifier can optionally verify the
functions identified in
Table 9-9. If the packet passes these tests the Classification process continues.