Revision 1.1
Core Logic Module
The Chipset Register Space of the Core Logic module is
comprised of five separate functions (F0-F3 and F5, note
that F4 is reserved), each with its own register space. Base
Address Registers (BARs) in each PCI header register
space set the base address for the configuration registers
for each respective function. The configuration registers
accessed through BARs are I/O or memory mapped. The
PCI header registers in all functions are very similar.
Function 0 (F0): PCI Header/Bridge Configuration
Registers for GPIO, and LPC Support (see Section
Function 1 (F1): PCI Header Registers for SMI Status
and ACPI Support (see Section 5.4.2 on page 207).
Function 2 (F2): PCI Header/Channel 0 and 1 Configu-
ration Registers for IDE Controller Support (see Sec-
tion 5.4.3 on page 225).
Function 3 (F3): PCI Header Registers for XpressAU-
DIO Audio Support (see Section 5.4.4 on page 231).
Function 4 (F4): Reserved.
Function 5 (F5): PCI Header Registers for X-Bus
Expansion Support (see Section 5.4.5 on page 246).
Function 5 contains six BARs in their standard PCI
header locations (i.e., Index 10h, 14h, 18h, 1Ch, 20h,
and 24h). In addition there are six mask registers that
allow the six BARs to be fully programmable from 4
GB to 16 bytes for memory and from 4 GB to 4 bytes
for I/O.
General Remarks:
Reserved bits that are defined as "must be set to 0 or 1"
should be written with that value.
Reserved bits that are not defined as "must be set to 0
or 1" should be written with a value that is read from
"Read to Clear" registers that are wider than one byte
should be read in one read operation. If they are read a
byte at a time, status bits may be lost, or not cleared.
The register space designated as Function 0 (F0) is used
to configure Bridge features and functionality unique to the
Core Logic module. In addition, it configures the PCI por-
tion of support hardware for the GPIO and LPC support
registers. The bit formats for the PCI Header and Bridge
Configuration registers are given in Table 5-29.
Bridge, GPIO, and LPC Registers - Function 0
The registers at F0 Index 50h-FFh can also be
accessed at F1BAR0+I/O Offset 50h-FFh. How-
ever, the preferred method is to program these reg-
isters through the F0 register space.
Located in the PCI Header registers of F0, are two Base
Address Registers (F0BARx) used for pointing to the regis-
ter spaces designated for GPIO and LPC configuration
(described in Section "GPIO Support Registers" on
page 196 and Section "LPC Support Registers" on
page 200).
Table 5-29. F0: PCI Header and Bridge Configuration Registers for GPIO and LPC Support
Index 00h-01h
Vendor Identification Register (RO)
Reset Value: 100Bh
Index 02h-03h
Device Identification Register (RO)
Reset Value: 0510h
Index 04h-05h
PCI Command Register (R/W)
Reset Value: 000Fh
Must be set to 0.
Fast Back-to-Back Enable.
This function is not supported when the Core Logic module is a master. It must always be dis-
abled (i.e., must be set to 0).
Allow SERR# assertion on detection of special errors.
0: Disable. (Default)
1: Enable.
Wait Cycle Control (Read Only).
This function is not supported in the Core Logic module. It is always disabled (always
reads 0, hardwired).
Parity Error.
Allow the Core Logic module to check for parity errors on PCI cycles for which it is a target and to assert
PERR# when a parity error is detected.
0: Disable. (Default)
1: Enable.
VGA Palette Snoop Enable. (Read Only)
This function is not supported in the Core Logic module. It is always disabled
(always reads 0, hardwired).
Memory Write and Invalidate.
Allow the Core Logic module to do memory write and invalidate cycles, if the PCI Cache
Line register (F0 Index 0Ch) is set to 32 bytes (08h).
0: Disable. (Default)
1: Enable.