Data Sheet
June 2002
TMXF28155 Supermapper
155/51 Mbits/s SONET/SDH x28/x21 DS1/E1
Agere Systems Inc.
17 TMUX Functional Description
17.6.23 F1 Byte Insert
When TMUX_THSF1INS = 1 (
Table 117 on page 105
), the value in TMUX_TF1INS[7:0] (
Table 122 on page 112
is inserted into the F1 byte of the outgoing signal. Otherwise, the associated TOAC value is inserted when
Table 127 on page 115
). If both TMUX_THSF1INS and TMUX_TTOAC_F1 = 0, then the
value inserted depends on the value of microprocessor interface block SMPR_OH_DEFLT (
Table 77 on page 70
bit. If SMPR_OH_DEFLT = 0, then all zeros are inserted. If SMPR_OH_DEFLT = 1, then all ones are inserted.
17.6.24 B1 Generate and Error Insert
The section bit interleaved parity code (BIP-8) byte (even parity) is used to check for transmission errors over a
section. Its value is calculated over all bits in the previous frame after scrambling and placed in the B1 byte of time
slot 1 before scrambling.
A bit error rate can be inserted on the B1 byte. When TMUX_THSB1ERRINS = 1 (
Table 125 on page 114
), the B1
byte is inverted each time the microprocessor interface block SMPR_BER_INSRT (
Table 75 on page 68
) bit is
17.6.25 Scrambler
The outgoing frame will be scrambled with the frame synchronous scrambler of length 127 and generating polyno-
mial x
+ x
+ 1. The entire STS/STM signal will be scrambled except for the first row of overhead. The scrambler
will be set to 1111111 on the first byte following the last overhead byte in the first row.
For test purposes, the scrambler will be disabled when TMUX_THSSCR = 0 (
Table 116 on page 105
17.6.26 J0 Insert Control
A 16-byte sequence stored in TMUX_TJ0DINS[1—16][7:0] (
Table 143 on page 123
) will be inserted into the outgo-
ing J0 byte if TMUX_THSJ0INS = 1 (
Table 117 on page 105
). If TMUX_THSJ0INS = 0, then the value inserted
depends on the value of microprocessor interface block SMPR_OH_DEFLT (
Table 77
) bit. If SMPR_OH_DEFLT =
0, then all zeros are inserted. If SMPR_OH_DEFLT = 1, then all ones are inserted.
17.6.27 Z0-2, Z0-3 Insert Control
The two bytes, Z0-2 and Z0-3, that follow J0 are not scrambled. If TMUX_THSZ0INS = 1 (
Table 117
), then the val-
ues stored in TMUX_TZ02INS[7:0] (
Table 121 on page 112
) and TMUX_TZ03INS[7:0] (
Table 121
) will be inserted.
If TMUX_THSZ0INS = 0, then the value inserted depends on the value of microprocessor interface block
SMPR_OH_DEFLT bit. If SMPR_OH_DEFLT = 0, then all zeros are inserted. If SMPR_OH_DEFLT = 1, then all
ones are inserted.
17.6.28 A2 Error Insert
The TMUX allows, under software control, from 1 to 32 continuous frames to have an inverted A2-1 (0x28 to 0xD7)
pattern in the outgoing frame. The value in TMUX_TA2ERRINS[4:0] (
Table 116
) specifies the number of frames to
insert errors while assertion of microprocessor interface block, SMPR_BER_INSRT bit, starts the error insertion