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Rev. 1.2
The GDDR3 SGRAM is equipped with programmable impedance output buffers and Active Terminators. This allows a user to match the driver impedance
to the system. To adjust the impedance, an external precision resistor(RQ) is connected between the ZQ pin and Vss. The value of the resistor must be
six times of the desired output impedance.
For example, a 240
Ω resistor is required for an output impedance of 40 Ω. To ensure that output impedance is one sixth the value of RQ (within 10 %),
the range of RQ is 120
Ω to 360Ω (20Ω to 60Ω) output impedance.
MF,SEN, RES, CK and CK are not internally terminated. CK and /CK will be terminated on the system module using external 1% resisters. The output
impedance is updated during all AUTO REFRESH commands and NOP commands when a READ is not in progress to compensate for variations in volt-
age supply and temperature. The output impedance updates are transparent to the system. Impedance updates do not affect device operation, and all
data sheet timing and current specifications are met during update. To guarantee optimum output driver impedance after power-up, the GDDR3(x32)
needs at least 20us after the clock is applied and stable to calibrate the impedance upon power-up. The user may operate the part with less than 20us,
but the optimal output impedance is not guaranteed. The value of ZQ is also used to calibrated the internal address/command termination resisters. The
two termination values that are selectable during power up are 1/2 of ZQ and ZQ. The value of ZQ is used to calibrate the internal DQ termination resist-
ers. The two termination values that are selectable are 1/4 of ZQ and 1/2 of ZQ.
Read and write accesses to the GDDR3 SGRAM are burst oriented, with the burst length being programmable, as shown in MRS table. The burst length
determines the maximum number of column locations that can be accessed for a given READ or WRITE command. Reserved states should not be used,
as unknown operation or incompatibility with future versions may result. When a READ or WRITE command is issued, a block of columns equal to the
burst length is effectively selected. All accesses for that burst take place within the block, meaning that the burst will wrap within the block if a boundary is
reached. The block is uniquely selected by A2-Ai when the burst length is set to four (Where Ai is the most significant column address bit for a given con-
figuration). The remaining (least significant) address bit(s) is (are) used to select the starting location within the block. The programmable burst length
applies to both READ and WRITE bursts.
Accesses within a given burst must be programmed to be sequential; this is referred to as the burst type and is selected via bit M3. This device does not
support the interleaved burst mode found in DDR SGRAM devices. The ordering of accesses within a burst is determined by the burst length, the burst
type, and the starting column address, as shown in below table: Burst Definition
[ Table 1 ] Burst Definition
NOTE : 1. For a burst length of four, A2-A7 select the block of four burst.
2. For a burst length of eight, A3-A7 select the block of eight burst; A2 select the starting column within the block.
3. The value X of A0 and A1 column is "Don’t care".
Starting Column Address
Order of Accesses Within a Burst
Type= Sequential
0 - 1 - 2 - 3
0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7
4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 0 - 1 - 2 - 3