Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc and for its Customers
Internal Use
Document ID: PMC-2010146, Issue 4
PM2329 ClassiPI Network Classification Processor Datasheet
The Data Source can be one of the following types:
a) Extracted Packet Header
, which can contain the extracted IP and also TCP/UDP fields, or
alternatively can be pre-constructed by the external processor.
b) Packet Attribute
, which is the 48-bit field obtained from the Packet Information field.
c) Packet Data
, for pattern search OCs which can be taken from any starting byte offset within the
packet. Pattern Search OCs could be applied to search for up to 12-byte (short) strings or up to 192-byte
(long) strings.
Additionally, OCs can be specified to be single-hit or multi-hit OCs. When the OC is executed, it can either
result in no matches, or yield one or more matches. In case one or more matches occur, a single-hit OC will
return the only match or the highest priority match, whereas a multi-hit OC will return all the matches in
the order of priority.
5.3 OC Sequencing
5.3.1 OC Conductor
The PM2329 is capable of running different OCs on the same packet. The entire set of OCs that are applied
to the same packet is called an
OC Sequence
The OC Sequence is specified by the
OC Conductor
word associated with each packet. The OCC
can be either specified one time in the OCC Register, or it can be supplied preceding each packet when the
packet is written into the PM2329.
The OCC format can be one of two types:
The OCC contains up to 4 OC Identifiers, or
The OCC contains the address of an E-RAM location.
Format (a) results in OCC controlled sequencing, where a fixed set of up to 4 OCs are executed on the
corresponding packet. No conditional OC sequencing is possible, and the E-RAM is not used for
sequencing, since the sequence is fixed. However, D-Word updates are supported and performed, if
Format (b) results in E-RAM controlled sequencing, where the next OC to be executed is defined by a
Control Word stored in the E-RAM. The OC sequence can now be variable where the next OC depends on
the result of the previous OC. D-Word updates are perfomed, if enabled.
The PM2329 contains a table of 64 OC Descriptors. Each entry in this table contains an OC Descriptor that
can specify up to 64 different types of OCs. Additional information including the OC descriptor format is
available in Chapter 4.