Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc and for its Customers
Internal Use
Document ID: PMC-2010146, Issue 4
PM2329 ClassiPI Network Classification Processor Datasheet
(bit 8) is for Rule Indirect Data 4. For example, programming a value of 01100 will enable writes to
words 1 and 2 only. During read, only the enabled words are read.
For a detailed description of the Rule Memory read and write operation, refer to the Rule Indirect Data
Register set description.
If this bit is
, then after the read or write operation to the Rule Memory, the Rule Indirect Address
Register is automatically incremented to point to the next cell (post-increment). This bit will normally
be written with
when a block of data needs to be transferred to or from the Rule Memory.
If this bit is
, the Rule Indirect Address Register is unchanged after a read or write operation to the
Rule Memory.
These bits specify which of the five 32-bit data words will serve as the Trigger for the PM2329 to
perform the internal read or write operation to the Rule Memory. After the Trigger word is written to or
read from, the device performs Read or Write operation on the rule memory. These bits are programmed
as follows:
Rule Indirect Data Register 0
Rule Indirect Data Register 1
Rule Indirect Data Register 2
Rule Indirect Data Register 3
Rule Indirect Data Register 4
Register Set Ready
This bit when
indicates that the Rule Indirect registers are currently not in use. It is cleared when a
read or write command is issued and remains
as long as the device is busy performing this operation.
It is set when the device has internally executed the read or write operation. For correct operation, the
processor must check that this bit is set before it writes to the RICR, RIAR or RIDR. When the RSR bit
is 0, write cycles to any of these (RICR, RIAR or RIDR) registers are ignored. This is a read-only bit
and is set to
after reset.