REV. 1.03
ing Mode Register and the resulting DS3 Framing Format.............................................................. 189
Table 30: C-bit Functions for the C-bit Parity DS3 Frame Format.................................................. 189
Table 31: LAPD Message Frame Format......................................................................................... 195
Table 32: The LAPD Message Type and the Corresponding value of the First Byte, within the Infor-
mation Payload ................................................................................................................................. 196
Table 33: Relationship between TxLAPDType[1:0] and the LAPD Message Type/Size................ 197
Table 34: The Relationship between the content of the “TxLAPD Enable” bit-field and the action of
the LAPD Transmitter ...................................................................................................................... 197
Table 35: The Relationship between the contents of Bit 7 (Tx Yellow Alarm) within the Tx DS3 Con-
figuration Register, and the resulting Transmit DS3 Framer Action................................................ 201
Table 36: The Relationship between the contents of Bit 6 (Tx X-Bits) within the Tx DS3 Configuration
Register, and the resulting Transmit DS3 Framer Action ................................................................ 201
Table 37: The Relationship between the contents of Bit 5 (Tx Idle) within the Tx DS3 Configuration
Register, and the resulting Transmit DS3 Framer Action ................................................................ 202
Table 38: The Relationship between the contents of Bit 4 (Tx AIS Pattern) within the Tx DS3 Config-
uration Register, and the resulting Transmit DS3 Framer Action.................................................... 202
Table 39: The Relationship between the contents of Bit 3 (Tx LOS) within the Tx DS3 Configuration
Register, and the resulting Transmit DS3 Framer Action ................................................................ 202
Table 40: The Relationship between TimRefSel[1:0] (e.g., Bits 1 and 0 of the UNI Operation Mode
Register), and the resulting Timing/Framing Source for the Transmit DS3 Framer block.............. 204
Table 41: The Relationship between the content of Bit 3 (Unipolar/Bipolar*) within the UNI I/O Con-
trol Register and the Transmit DS3 Framer Line Interface Output Mode........................................ 208
Table 42: The Relationship between Bit 4 (AMI/B3ZS*) within the UNI I/O Control Register and the
Bipolar Line Code that is output by the Transmit DS3 Framer........................................................ 210
Table 43: The Relationship between the contents of Bit 2 (TxLineClk Inv) within the UNI I/O Control
Register and the TxLineClk clock edge that TxPOS and TxNEG are updated on........................... 210
Table 44: The Relationship between the contents of Bit 3 (Unipolar/Bipolar*) within the UNI I/O Con-
trol Register and the resulting Receive DS3 Framer Line Interface Input Mode............................. 217
Table 45: The Relationship between the contents of Bit 1 (RxLineClk Inv) of the UNI I/O Control Reg-
ister, and the sampling edge of the RxLineClk signal...................................................................... 220
Table 46: The Relationship between the contents of Bit 2 (Framing on Parity) within the Rx DS3 Con-
figuration and Status Register, and the resulting “Framing Acquisition Criteria”........................... 223
Table 47: The Relationship between the contents of Bit 1 (F-Sync Algo) within the Rx DS3 Configu-
ration and Status Register, and the resulting “F-bit OOF Declaration criteria” for the Receive DS3
Framer............................................................................................................................................... 224
Table 48: The Relationship between the contents of Bit 0 (M-Sync Algo) within the Rx DS3 Config-
uration and Status Register, and the resulting “M-Bit OOF Declaration Criteria” for the Receive DS3
Framer............................................................................................................................................... 224
Table 49: LAPD Message Frame Format......................................................................................... 232
Table 50: The Relationship between RxLAPDType[1:0] and the resulting LAPD Message type and
size.................................................................................................................................................... 233
Table 51: Byte Format of the PLCP Frame...................................................................................... 240
Table 52: The Relationship between the logic states of the POOF and PLOF bit-fields, and the corre-
sponding Receive PLCP Framing State............................................................................................ 243
Table 53: Bit Format of the G1 Byte................................................................................................ 244
Table 54: Byte Format of PLCP Frame–POH Bytes Highlighted.................................................... 246