SBI Bus Serializer ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet
Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use.
Document No.: PMC-2000168, Issue 5
Pin Name
This parity signal is intended to detect multiple sources
in the column assignment.
RDP is sampled on the rising edge of SYSCLK.
RDP has an integral pull-up resistor.
Receive Payload (RPL).
This is the receive SBI336
data bus payload signal indicates valid tributary payload
data when configured for the receive SBI336 byte wide
interface. In telecom bus mode this signal indicates
valid path payload.
In SBI336 mode:
This active high signal indicates valid data within the
SBI336 structure. This signal is high during all octets
making up a tributary which includes all octets shaded
gray in the framing format tables. This signal goes high
during the V3 or H3 octet within a tributary to
accommodate negative timing adjustments between the
tributary rate and the fixed SBI336 bus structure. This
signal goes low during the octet following the V3 or H3
octet within a tributary to accommodate positive timing
adjustments between the tributary rate and the fixed
SBI336 bus structure. For fractional rate links this signal
indicates that the current octet is carrying valid data
when high.
Multiple SBI336 devices can drive this signal at
uniquely assigned tributary columns within the SBI336
bus structure.
In Telecom Bus mode:
This signal distinguishes between transport overhead
bytes and synchronous payload bytes. RPL is set high
to mark each payload byte on RDATA[7:0] and is set
low to mark each transport overhead byte on
RPL is sampled on the rising edge of SYSCLK.
RPL has an integral pull-up resistor.
Receive Payload Indicator (RV5).
This is the receive
payload indicator which locates the floating payload on
the SBI336 or Telecom bus when configured for the
receive byte wide interface.
In SBI336 mode:
This active high signal locates the position of the
floating payloads for each tributary within the SBI336
structure. Timing differences between the port timing
and the SBI336 bus timing are indicated by adjustments
of this payload indicator relative to the fixed SBI336
structure. All movements indicated by this signal must
be accompanied by appropriate adjustments in the RPL
Multiple devices can drive this signal at uniquely
assigned tributary columns within the SBI336 structure.
In Telecom Bus mode:
This signal identifies tributary payload frame boundaries