SBI Bus Serializer ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet
Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use.
Document No.: PMC-2000168, Issue 5
Some SBI devices share a common SBI C1FP signal which locks both the incoming and
outgoing SBI buses together. The SBS is not able to support this mode and requires separate
incoming IC1FP and outgoing OC1FP SBI frame alignment. This is necessary due to the
propagation times through the SBS devices. If these C1FP pulses were to align significant
buffering and latency would be added to the system.
14.3 Incoming 77MHz Telecom Bus Functional Timing
Figure 32 shows the timing of the Incoming Telecom bus stream when configured for
77.76MHz mode. Timing is provided by SREFCLK. SONET/SDH data is carried in the
IDATA[1][7:0]. The bytes are arranged in order of transmission in an STS-12/STM-4 stream.
Each transport/section overhead byte is labeled by Sx,y and type. Payload bytes are labeled by
Sx,y and Bn, where ‘n’ is the active offset of the byte. Within Sx,y, the STS-3/STM-1 number
is given by ‘x’ and the column number within the STS-3/STM-1 is given by ‘y’. The IPL[1]
signal is set high to mark payload bytes and is set low at all other bytes. Similarly, ITPL[1] is
set high to mark tributary payload bytes and is set low at all other bytes. The composite
transport frame and payload frame signal IC1J1V1 is equivalent to the IC1FP in SBI mode and
is set high with IPL[1] set low to mark the C1 byte of a transport frame. IC1J1V1/IC1FP is set
high with IPL[1] set high to mark the J1 bytes and V1 multi-frame of all the streams within
IDATA[1][7:0]. For locked STS/AUs, the SBS requires that all J1s follow immediately after the
C1(Z0) or the H3 overhead bytes. The SBS also requires that all H4 multi-frames be aligned
forcing all V1 bytes to follow the J1 bytes as shown in Figure 33. Multi-frame alignment is
based on the first V1 indication by IC1J1V1 after the twelve J1 bytes. Tributary path frame
boundaries are marked by a logic high on the IV5[1] signal. Tributaries in AIS alarm are
indicated by the ITAIS[1] signal.
The ICMP signal selects the active connection memory page in the memory switch. It is only
valid at the C1 byte position and is ignored at all other positions within the transport frame. The
connection memory page is switched on the next telecom bus frame boundary after ICMP is
sampled at the C1 byte.
In Figure 32 below, STS-3/STM-1 numbers 1, 2, and 4 are configured for STS-3/AU3
operation. STS-3/STM-1 number 3 is configured for STS-3c/AU4 operation. All streams are
shown to have an active offset of 522 by the high level on IPL[1] and IC1J1V1/IC1FP at byte
Sx,y/B522. No pointer justifications are shown nor permitted by the SBS. All stream are
configured to carry virtual tributaries/tributary units. The payload frame boundary of one such
tributary is located at byte S2,1/B0, as marked by a high level on IV5[1]. At byte S2,2/B0, the
tributary carried in stream S2,2 (2 (STM-1 #2, AU3 #2) is shown to be in tributary path AIS by
the high level on ITAIS[1] signal. The arrangement shown in Figure 32 is for illustrative
purposes only; other configurations, alarm conditions, active offsets and justification events, etc.
are possible.