Preliminary Data Sheet
October 2000
T7630 Dual T1/E1 5.0 V Short-Haul Terminator (Terminator II)
L Lucent Technologies Inc.
Framer Register Architecture
Facility Alarm Condition Register (FRM_SR1)
The bits in the facility alarm condition register (FRM_SR1) indicate alarm state of the receive framer section. Inter-
rupts from this register are generated once at the onset of the alarm condition. If the alarm condition is still present
at the time of the read, the bit will remain in the 1 state for the duration of the alarm condition. If the alarm condition
is no longer present at the time of the read, then the bit is cleared on read.
Table 89. Facility Alarm Condition Register (FRM_SR1) (601; C01)
Loss of Frame Alignment.
A 1 indicates the receive framer is in a loss of frame align-
ment and is currently searching for a new alignment.
Loss of Signaling Superframe Alignment.
A 1 indicates the receive framer is in a loss
of signaling superframe alignment in the DS1 framing formats. A search for a new sig-
naling superframe alignment starts once frame alignment is established.
Loss of Time Slot 16 Signaling Multiframe Alignment.
A 1 indicates the receive
framer is in a loss of time slot 16 signaling multiframe alignment in the CEPT mode. A
search for a new time slot 16 signaling multiframe alignment starts once frame alignment
is established. This bit is 0 when the T7630 is programmed for the transparent signaling
mode, register FRM_PR44 bit 0 (TSIG) = 1.
Loss of Transmit Superframe Alignment.
A 1 indicates superframe alignment pattern
in the transmit facility data link as defined for SLC-96 is lost. Only valid for SLC-96 mode.
This bit is 0 in all other DS1 modes.
Loss of Time Slot 0 CRC-4 Multiframe Alignment.
A 1 indicates an absence of CRC-
4 multiframe alignment after initial basic frame alignment is established. A 0 indicates
either CRC-4 checking is disabled or CRC-4 multiframe alignment has been success-
fully detected.
Loss of Frame Alignment Since Last Read.
A 1 indicates that the LFA state indicated
in bit 0 of this register is the same LFA state as the previous read.
Loss of Biframe Alignment.
A 1 indicates that the CEPT biframe alignment pattern
(alternating 10 in bit 2 of time slot 0 of each frame) in the receive system data is errored.
This alignment pattern is required when transmitting the Si or Sa bits transparently. Only
valid in the CEPT mode. This bit is 0 in all other modes.
Receive Time Slot 16 Alarm Indication Signal.
A 1 indicates the receive framer
detected time slot 16 AIS in the CEPT mode. This bit is 0 in the DS1 modes.
Auxiliary Pattern.
A 1 indicates the detection of a valid AUXP (unframed 1010 . . . pat-
tern) in the CEPT mode. This bit is 0 in the DS1 modes.
Alarm Indication Signal.
A 1 indicates the receive framer is currently receiving an AIS
pattern from its remote line end.