Lucent Technologies Inc.
Lucent Technologies Inc.
Preliminary Data Sheet
October 2000
T7630 Dual T1/E1 5.0 V Short-Haul Terminator (Terminator-II)
Line Interface Unit: Loopbacks
The LIU has independent loopback paths that are acti-
vated using LOOPA and LOOPB control bits (register
LIU_REG5, bits 2 to 3) as shown in Table 10. The loca-
tions of these loopbacks are illustrated in Figure 5,
Block Diagram of Line Interface Unit: Single Channel.
Full Local Loopback (FLLOOP)
A full local loopback (FLLOOP) connects the LIU trans-
mit driver input to the receive analog front-end circuitry.
Valid transmit output data continues to be sent to the
network. If the LIU transmitter AIS signal (all-ones sig-
nal) is sent to the network, by setting the XLAIS bit
(register LIU_REG5, bit 1), the looped data is not
affected. The ALOS alarm continues to monitor the
receive line interface signal (RTIP and RRING) while
the DLOS alarm monitors the looped data.
See Digital Loss of Signal (DLOS) Alarm section on
page 26 regarding the behavior of the DLOS alarm
upon activation of FLLOOP
Remote Loopback (RLOOP)
A remote loopback (RLOOP) connects the recovered
clock and retimed data to the LIU transmitter at the
framer interface and sends the data back to the line.
The LIU receiver front end, clock/data recovery,
encoder/decoder (if enabled), jitter attenuator (if
enabled), and LIU transmitter driver circuitry are all
exercised during this loopback. The transmit clock,
transmit data, and the transmit AIS inputs are ignored.
Valid receive output data continues to be sent to RPD-
LIU and RND-LIU. This loopback mode is very helpful
in isolating failures between systems.
See Loss of LIU Transmit Clock (LOTC) Alarm section
and LIU Transmitter Driver Monitor on page 33 regard-
ing the behavior of the LOTC and TDM alarms upon
activation and deactivation of RLOOP
Digital Local Loopback (DLLOOP)
A digital local loopback (DLLOOP) connects the trans-
mit clock and data through the encoder/decoder pair to
the receive clock and data output pins. This loopback is
operational regardless of whether the encoder/decoder
pair is enabled or disabled. The alarm indication signal
can be transmitted (XLAIS = 1) without any effect on
the looped signal.
Table 11. Loopback Control
1. The reset default condition is LOOPA = LOOPB = 0 (no loopback).
2. During the transmit AIS condition, the looped data will be the
transmitted data from the framer or system interface and not the all
ones signal.
3. Transmit AIS request is ignored.
Line Interface Unit: Other Features
LIU Powerdown (PWRDN)
Each LIU channel has an independent powerdown
mode controlled by PWRDN (register LIU_REG5,
bit 0). This provides power savings for systems which
use backup channels. If PWRDN = 1, the correspond-
ing LIU channel will be in a standby mode consuming
only a small amount of power. It is recommended that
the alarm registers for the powered down LIU channel
be disabled by setting ALOSIE = DLOSIE = TDMIE =
LOTCIE = 0 (register LIU_REG1, bits 0—3). If an LIU
channel in powerdown mode needs to be placed back
into service, the channel should be turned on (PWRDN
= 0) approximately 5 ms before data is applied.
Loss of Framer Receive Line Clock (LOFRM-
The LOFRMRLCK (pin 2/38) is set when the internal
framer receive line clock is absent. During this alarm
condition, the clock recovery and jitter attenuator func-
tions are automatically disabled. If JAR = 1, the RLCK-
LIU, RPD-LIU, RND-LIU, and DLOS signals will be
In-Circuit Testing and Driver High-Imped-
ance State (3-STATE)
If 3-STATE (pin 42/140) is activated (3-STATE = 0), the
AD[7:0] are placed in a high-impedance state. The
TTIP and TRING outputs have a limiting high-imped-
ance capability of approximately 8 k
Full Local Loopback
Remote Loopback
Digital Local Loopback