Serial Communication Modules
DRDY—Data Ready
This bit indicates that at least one byte is in the receive FIFO.
0 = Receive FIFO is empty.
1 = Receive FIFO is not empty.
OVR—FIFO Overrun
When it is high, this bit indicates that the receiver overwrote data in the FIFO. The character
with this bit set is valid, but at least one previous character was lost. Under normal
circumstances, this bit should never be set. It indicates that your software is not keeping up
with the incoming data rate. This bit is up-to-date and valid for each received character.
0 = No FIFO overrun.
1 = A FIFO overrun is detected.
FERR—Frame Error
When it is high, this bit indicates that the current character had a framing error (missing the
STOP bit). The data is possibly corrupted. This bit is updated for each character read from
the FIFO.
0 = Current character has no framing error.
1 = Current character has a framing error.
When it is high, this bit indicates that the current character is a break. The data bits are all
zero and the stop bit is also zero. The FERR bit will always be set when this bit is set. If odd
parity is selected, the PERR bit will be set when this bit is set. This bit is updated for each
character read from the FIFO.
0 = Current character is not a break character.
1 = Current character is a break character.
PERR—Parity Error
When it is high, this bit indicates that the current character has a parity error and the data
could be corrupted. This bit is updated for each character read from the FIFO. While parity
is disabled, this bit always reads zero.
RX DATA—Receive Data
These bits are the next characters received into the FIFO. They have no meaning if the
DRDY bit is zero. When in 7-bit mode, the most-significant bit is forced to zero. When in 8-bit
mode, all bits are active.