Address 402A00 to 402BFF contains the sixth 512K page and is L2D640 through L2D767.
The setting is as follows:
RPN = $00A80.
PP[20-21]= 10 Instruction executable on both privilege and problem mode.
Data access read/write from both privilege and problem mode.
PP[22] = 0 PowerPC encoding.
PP[23] = 1 Changed (no write-protect).
PP[24-27] = 1,100 hit only for privilege access.
SPS = 1 16K.
SH = 1 Disable ASID CMP.
CI = 0 Cache is enabled.
V = 1 Page is valid.
Address 402C00 to 402DFF contains the seventh 512K page and is L2D768 through
L2D895. The settings are as follows:
RPN = $00B00.
PP[20-21]= 10 Instruction executable on both privilege and problem mode.
Data access read/write from both privilege and problem mode.
PP[22] = 0 PowerPC encoding.
PP[23] = 1 Changed (no write-protect).
PP[24-27] = 1,100 hit only for privilege access.
SPS = 1 16K.
SH = 1 Disable ASID CMP.
CI = 0 Cache is enabled.
V = 1 Page is valid.
Address 402E00 to 402FFF contains the eighth or last 512K page and is L2D896 through
L2D1023. The settings are as follows:
RPN = $00B80.
PP[20-21]= 10 Instruction executable on both privilege and problem mode.
Data access read/write from both privilege and problem mode.
PP[22] = 0 PowerPC encoding.
PP[23] = 1 Changed (no write-protect).
PP[24-27] = 1,100 hit only for privilege access.
SPS = 1 16K.
SH = 1 Disable ASID CMP.
CI = 0 Cache is enabled.
V = 1 Page is valid.
Address 403000 to 403FFFF contains the L2D for L1D36. Since only two 16K pages (0 and
256) will be used, other pages that are ‘ON’ should be set so they are invalid. This can be
accomplished by clearing the least-significant bit of a long word for address 403004 to
4033FC and 403404 to 403FFC.