Data Sheet
June 2002
TMXF28155 Supermapper
155/51 Mbits/s SONET/SDH x28/x21 DS1/E1
Agere Systems Inc.
17 TMUX Functional Description
An event indication TMUX_TPOAC_PE (
Table 90 on page 80
), interrupt mask bit TMUX_TPOAC_PM (
Table 94
on page 89
is provided to indicate parity errors for the POAC channel. Odd (logic 0)/even (logic 1) parity is
checked and is configured with TMUX_TPOAC_OEPMON (
Table 127 on page 115
Table 543
summarizes the insertion options for the specified overhead bytes for POAC. The TMUX allows a fixed
default value (all zeros or all ones) to be inserted on
the corresponding POAC value. All control signals are active-
Table 543. TPOAC Control Bits
17.6.4 AIS Path Generation
Path AIS is specified as all ones in the entire STS-1 signal before scrambling, excluding the transport overhead
(section and line overhead).
Path AIS can be inserted for each STS-1 in the STS-3 using register bits TMUX_TLS_PAISINS[3:1] (
Table 115 on
page 104
17.6.5 J1 Insert Control
A 64-byte sequence stored in TMUX_TJ1DINS[1—3][1—64][7:0] (
Table 150 on page 125
Table 151
, and
Table 152
will be inserted into the outgoing J1 byte if TMUX_THSJ1INS (
Table 118 on page 107
) is set to 1. Oth-
erwise, the associated POAC value is inserted when TMUX_TPOAC_J1 (
Table 128 on page 117
) is a logic 1, or
the default value is inserted when TMUX_TPOAC_J1 is logic 0.
17.6.6 B3 BIP-8 Calculation and Insert
The B3 bytes are allocated for a path overhead error monitoring function. This function will be a bit interleaved par-
ity 8 code (BIP-8) using even parity. The BIP-8 is computed before scrambling over all bits of the previous STS-1
frame except for the first three columns consisting of the section and line overhead and is placed in byte B3 of the
current frame, also before scrambling.
A bit error rate can be inserted on any B3 byte with TMUX_THSB3ERRINS[1—3] (
Table 125 on page 114
) and
microprocessor interface block SMPR_BER_INSRT (
Table 75 on page 68
) bit. When TMUX_THSB3ERRINS[1—
3] is asserted, the corresponding B3 byte is inverted each time the SMPR_BER_INSRT bit is asserted.
17.6.7 C2 Signal Label Byte Insert
= 1 (
Table 118 on page 107
), the value in TMUX_TC2INS[1—3][7:0]
Table 134
on page 120
) is inserted into the C2 byte of the outgoing
signal. Otherwise, the associated POAC value is inserted
when TMUX_TPOAC_C2 = 1 (
Table 128 on page 117
). If both TMUX_THSC2INS and TMUX_TPOAC_C2 = 0,
then the value inserted depends on the microprocessor interface block, SMPR_OH_DEFLT (
Table 77 on page 70
bit value. If SMPR_OH_DEFLT
= 0, then all zeros are inserted. If SMPR_OH_DEFLT = 1, then all ones are
Overhead Bytes
Register Control Bits
0 (Default Value)
Table 128 on page 117
Table 128
Table 128
Table 128
Table 128
Table 128