TMXF28155 Supermapper
155/51 Mbits/s SONET/SDH x28/x21 DS1/E1
Data Sheet
June 2002
Agere Systems Inc.
21 28-Channel Framer Block Functional Description
21.22.11 Transmit ESF Data Link Bit-Oriented Messages
Provides capability to transmit bit-oriented messages.
When enabled through a configuration bit (FRM_BOME (
Table 425 on page 297
)), bit-oriented messages will be
transmitted on the data link channel of the frame bit for ESF links. The ESF superframe is numbered 1 through 24
with the data link channel transmitted in the odd numbered frames (4 kbits/s).
The BOM is a 16-bit message defining an alarm or command and response action, and sent repeatedly for a
period of time determined by the event. The message consists of eight ones, a zero, a 6-bit code to identify the
alarm or action, and a zero (1111_1111_0 in front and 0 behind the 6-bit code).
The message can occur at any point in the extended superframe without respect to boundaries. The exact mes-
sage to be sent will reflect what has been programmed into a register (FRM_TBOM{5:0] (
Table 425
) bits). The
BOM format is as follows:
0 X X X _ X X X 0 _ 1111_1111: (right-most bit being transmitted first).
When the BOM pattern is enabled, it will be transmitted until disabled. When disabled, the pattern will cease to be
transmitted immediately.
A BOM status bit will indicate when the pattern has been sent 10 times. That status bit will be reset on read.
When enabled using the FRM_ASRC (
Table 424 on page 296
) bit, the BOMs should only be inserted when the
proper alignment has been reached. For ESF links, both BFA and MFA are required for insertion. This condition
affects the insertion of BOMs bits and the reporting of stack empty to the host.
21.22.12 CEPT, CEPT Multiframe Transmit Data Link Sa Bits Stack
Provides two multiframes of Sa-bit storage for transmission on CEPT links.
Provides interrupt for stack empty.
Performs retransmission of stack when update has yet to be performed.
Provides capability to source Sa bits from blocks other than the data link block.
Provides host access to stack using processor clock to provide fast access.
This block will always present the Sa bits stored in the Tx stack to the TDM data stream. The data valid signal will
reflect the programming of the Sa source control bits (FRM_SA4SC—FRM_SA8SC,
Table 424
). In CEPT, the Sa
bits are located in time slot 0 of the NOTFAS frames (odd-numbered frames). CEPT multiframe format frames are
numbered 0 through 15 with the Sa bits located in time slot 0 of the odd numbered frames (NOTFAS frames).
The Sa bits are stored in the Tx stack as follows.
Table 606. Shared Tx Stack Format for CEPT Frame
Transmission of the Sa stack will take 4 ms, during which time the host should refill the system stack if the Sa bits
need to change.
Near the beginning of each CEPT double multiframe, the Tx data link block will determine whether a new set of Sa
bits is available to be transmitted. The host will indicate this state by resetting the Tx stack empty bit. If this is the
case, the new Sa bits will be transmitted; otherwise, the previous Sa bits will be retransmitted.
SA41 SA43 SA45 SA47 SA49 SA411 SA413 SA415 SA41 SA43 SA45 SA47 SA49 SA411 SA413 SA415
SA51 SA53 SA55 SA57 SA59 SA511 SA513 SA515 SA51 SA53 SA55 SA57 SA59 SA511 SA513 SA515
SA61 SA63 SA65 SA67 SA69 SA611 SA613 SA615 SA61 SA63 SA65 SA67 SA69 SA611 SA613 SA615
SA71 SA73 SA75 SA77 SA79 SA711 SA713 SA715 SA71 SA73 SA75 SA77 SA79 SA711 SA713 SA715
SA81 SA83 SA85 SA87 SA89 SA811 SA813 SA815 SA81 SA83 SA85 SA87 SA89 SA811 SA813 SA815