Agere Systems Inc.
TMXF28155 Supermapper
155/51 Mbits/s SONET/SDH x28/x21 DS1/E1
Data Sheet
June 2002
27 Application Scripts
-- Enable LineTxData/Clk/Sync for output
-- (16 down to 1)
w 00018 FFFF
-- (28 down to 17)
w 00019 0FFF
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> XC <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- XC receive link 1 from TPG (Ch 1) into Frm_Tp_R (XC_RP_RDATA)
w 50060 FF00
-- XC transmit to LIU 1 (Ch 1) from Frm_RP_T Link 1 (XC_PDATA) - observation
w 50010 1EC1
-- -- XC receive link 1 from Frm_TP_T (Ch 1) into Frm_Rp_R (XC_RP_RDATA)
w 50020 FF41
-- XC transmit to TPM from Frm_RP_T link 1 TPM (DS1Data)
w 50080 00C1
-- XC_TPM_SRC[2], test-pattern monitor source configuration
-- XC_TPM_DS1_IDLE[7:0], source identifier for TPM DS1 idle pattern
w 50081 00C1
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DJA <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Reference clock rate = 32x
w 70017 3FFF
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> TPG <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- TPM_SEQ0 = PRBS15, use B8ZS coding/decoding
-- TPM_SEQ0 = PRBS15, select a DS1 framed test pattern
w 60030 0328
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> FRAMER <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Framer
-- Transport mode, super framer for DS1 mode,
-- internal PLL is used
w 80000 0800
-- Turn on power down
w 80001 FFFF
-- Set Rx link 1 auto AIS
w 802F1 004B
-- Start Rx arbiter link 1 operation
w 802F0 A000
-- Set Tx link 1 auto AIS
w 803F1 004B
-- Start Tx arbiter link 1
w 803F0 A000